Sunday 23 February 2014

My belly the blobfish

DAY 54

We're 54 days into 2014, ever so slowly creeping through the shit months of the year where nothing happens except weather. 

Finally it feels like this relentlessly cold, wet, stormy winter could be coming to an end. It's projectiled the worst of it onto our doorsteps and now it's wiping its proverbial mouth and preparing to be a bit more dignified from now on. It's almost time to get excited about the summer again - BBQs, swimming, sunbathing, sunny runs, long walks, weekends away. Except the reality is that I will just sit inside like I am now but with a higher guilt level.

Things have changed! I have work. It's a little unreliable, but it's with a magazine and it's paid so I'm happy. It all happened very quickly. One minute I was enjoying my leisurely job-seeker-allowance-funded unemployed time playing WordHero and other productive things, and the next I was in an office in Brighton sub-editing that week's issue. It's a little challenging, but exciting. Like Devil Wears Prada but without the fashion, glamour, or mean people. It could turn into a permanent position too, so I hope I'm making a good impression. On one day though I did wear the top my mum bought back as a present from New Zealand, and it was only when I got home and looked properly in the full length mirror that it dawned on me that having 'WILD KIWIS' emblazoned across my chest might not have given off the 'she's got her journalistic shit together' look I probably should be going for.  

Aside from the work, I'm still 5:2 dieting and exercising towards that ever-elusive dream of doing a pull up by the end of the year. So far, I have:
  • Lost 5lbs in total
  • Reduced my body fat percentage by 5%
  • Gained 5lbs of muscle (I've got 7stn 9 of pure henchness now) (but can still only do girly press ups)
  • Been very hungry every Monday and Thursday
  • Felt a little disconcerted by the fact that my belly looks quite a lot like this:

It's even got that sad downturned mouth when I sit down.

In case you're interested, a blobfish is essentially a shiny face that lives between 2,000 and 3,900 ft below the surface of the ocean. It spends its days bobbing around just above the seabed, expending as little energy as possible and swallowing anything that happens to float in front of it (mostly little deep sea shrimpy things but I suspect the blobfish is not fussy). I think I may have been a blobfish in a previous life.

Interestingly, Google has provided a visual example of what 5lbs of fat and 5lbs of muscle look like, which is this:

It's satisfying to think I've replaced all that yellow jelly on the left with the muscle on the right. From where, I really don't know. Probably my tits. This also shows that weight isn't necessarily a good indicator of how well your diet/exercise regime is going. Possibly the best thing to do (and I haven't done this) is to measure yourself.

Anyway, I'm boring myself now. Goodbye, thanks for reading.

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