Thursday 2 January 2014

New Year's Resolution: do a pull up

My New Year's Resolution is to do a pull up by the end of 2014. It doesn't sound like much, but I weigh almost 12 stone and have the arm strength of a small child.

So to get to this almighty goal, I'm going to have to lose the chub. 

It's not going to be easy. Last year I trained pretty hard for a half marathon and gave up all nice (bad) food for Lent, but only lost about 4lbs, which sneakily found their way back onto my stomach and chin(s) when I wasn't looking. 

I've just about got the endurance fitness, now I need the strength. It's important to note too that in any apocalyptic situation, I may at some point have to pull myself up from a window ledge/cliff face/tree branch, so it would be comforting to know I could do it.  

I should also say that I don't really like succumbing to the whole female stereotype thing of hating my body and wanting to lose weight because it's silly, really. A couple of years ago I injured my back at the gym and had sciatica for about 11 months which meant I couldn't walk very far let alone run, so now I feel like just having legs that work is brilliant. However, sometimes I look pregnant and that's not on. 

I'm going to try to keep a short daily blog of my progress, just because I've never really kept a proper blog before and I've always felt vaguely guilty for not having one, seeing as I call myself a writer. 


On Day 1 of my resolution to do a pull up, I woke up in a Premier Inn in Langney smelling of cigars, jaeger-bombs and sick. I then went to an all-you-can eat Chinese buffet and strategically ate everything. Then, being far too full to do any exercise, I went home and watched TV for the rest of the day.


This morning I made it to the gym, where I did my workout and managed to hang onto the pull up bar for about 10 seconds. I then went home and ate a giant slab of lasagne. 

1 comment:

  1. Heeheehee! Your blog is very healthy. It nade me chuckle several times and as we know, laughter is the best medicine. Thanks!
