Friday 24 January 2014

Rejection and pasta bake

Dogfish: unassumingly cute
Well, I'm disappointed not to get the job I was excited about, especially as they asked me what my favourite shark is. I knew I shouldn't have gone for a great white! Far too obvious. Next time I'll go for something unexpected, like a dogfish. They'll think wayhey, here's someone who can think for themselves.

Finding a job is hard - it's such a competitive market, but you have to keep going. I know there are things I need to work on because they come up time and time again, but the good thing is, I'm quite certain I'll get there. (Cheesy analogy coming up) It's kind of similar to how I felt during the half marathon - my knees were hurting, my body said 'let's go home and sit on the sofa, shall we?', old people were over-taking me on their afternoon strolls, but I knew that if I kept putting one sweaty, numb foot after the other, I would eventually cross the finish line. It would be impossible not to. And I did! For some reason at that moment my overwhelming emotion was anger, I'm not sure why but that is beside the point, which is that I am going to get there - wherever 'there' is, eventually. 

Today is the end of a very stressful week. But in a kind of masochistic way, I really like it. If I'm not doing something I find uncomfortable, then I'm probably procrastinating. So now it's time to forget about it all, the exams, the job, the attempted weight loss, the big expanse of AHHH WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING TO DO WITH MY LIFE ahead of me...and just concentrate on the pasta bake I am about to make, which will involve tuna, vegetables, and a looottt of cheese.  

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